Hi everybody, yesterday and the day before yesterday Cu had so much fun with some of you.
Please answer, if you´re on a screenie.
Here we go:
Raffles and Cu posing at playground
Raffles at the tree
Tailes (I think so), Cu and Raffles
I don´t know who this is, but it take tons of time to make him/her mini, but finally I did it!
Then Cu saw a ghost

No it is Mozart
Posing for the camera
Staring contest (I think Mozart win because Cu felt asleep)
After changing my "coat" because of wetness I met these guys
Sitting at the ruins and hear the rain falling
on the right side is tukha/quammy and on the left side ?
Sitting in the rain...
... more "rain-sitters" (after that we began to dance)
After that Cu met SS and we change pelts and try airsitting
Heia, run flicka run
Then we do Cheek-to-Cheek-sitting (I love it)
And finally, virgil! OMG I dont realized, that he has such evil eye, like a reptile!!!
lol the rain sitting one,
Hi Zeekii, that was you!
thank a lot and see you in the forest
Ah you're welcome! ^^ See
See you in the forest again soon