Lonely Snow

Hubalaboo's picture
"Merry Christmas, Taint..."
Emiva's picture

..... that is

that is gorgeous..

poor Taint.....

Fledermaus's picture

Awww, that's so depressing

Awww, that's so depressing and yet beautiful at the same time ;.;
Laruna's picture

Poor Plumeria... *nuzzles*

Poor Plumeria... Sad *nuzzles*
Hubalaboo's picture

Sorry for depressing the

Sorry for depressing the Christmas mood, everyone ^^; but thank you.
Feel free to pile up happeh stuff on top! x3

Anzel's picture

Sorry x3;; I've been too

Sorry x3;; I've been too busy sketching to reply, meep. Now I'm all stressed and my tummy is sick ;-; Oh well.

Taint kind-of replied in the topic I made. She's not up for talking right now. But man, she makes a cute, sad-looking fawn. (i previewed her whilst sneezing set pieces off as a fawn)