lol DEER MEME shoot me.

fayne's picture
Such a thief I am lol. c: Enjoy and steal if you must.

Who are you?

My name is Aeros.
Pan. WOO.
Call me Tuna. If you come up with anything else, good. c:

Do you have any brothers or sisters?

None that I know of.
Teehee, only the ones in my pretty little head! :DDDD

Do you have a mate?

No. I'll leave that to the stags who are still fit and strong.
PFAHAHAHAHA. Mates. lol.
Baleface! <3

Do you have any kids?

A few adopted, but none biological, no.
EHEHEHEHEEEE. That's a n-n-n-negative, doll. <:
Oh, good lord. Kids. XD I'd suck at being a mom, trust me. So no.

What is your favorite food?

The nectar from the flowers around the Twin God statues. c:
Deerflesh. Mmmmmm.
Pond lilies. 8D

Have you ever killed anyone?

Goodness, no.
-thumbsup- Too many to list. But only if they were rich.

Do you hate anyone?

No. Hate is a strong word that shouldn't be used.
Me, myself and I. All the others around me, good buddies! :DDDD
There are a choice few whose spines I'd like to rip out through their mouths. e_e

Do you love anyone?

There was one, long ago. But no longer. She is a good friend to me now.
The voices in my head. <:
Is it that hard to tell? c: Bale, duh.

What is your status in the forest?

I don't come around as frequently as before. My time is coming. c: -sigh-
Pfahaha, being in the cage is boring. If anyone comes around to free me, I'll sure get in!
I'm in the most frequently. I have a lot of friends to play with.

What do you do to relax?

Sit and tell stories. C: Anyone who wants to listen is welcome.
What is this relaxing you speak of? D:<
Play with my close friends, or hang out by the Pond.

There is a deer who is teasing you; what do you do?

He would only tease me if he was trying to get attention. I would talk him down.
Enjoy it. :DDDDDD Then eat his brains.
Kick his ass, then humiliate him. ;D

Do you have any special talents?

I do enjoy telling tales, and I'm told I'm quite good at it.
Freaking deer out. >:D WEEEEEEEE.
Hmmm...I'd have to think about it.

Pan and Cal can be BFF's.

Pan and Cal can be BFF's. <:
Until Cal decides to let her out.
Then she'd probably die.


- - -

The Gentleman
The Rebel
The Immortal
fayne's picture

c: That would be like. So

c: That would be like.
So fun lol.