The little adventure of Origami

Origami's picture
Well, my little fawn explore the forest and meet new deers, and how nice they are! I think especially on two deers, who where very funny and adorable with Origami. He was just so happy! They danced, played, laughed... That was really cute. Two other little fawns joined us, and that was quite a little party!

I hope we'll met them again. It's like Origami adopted them, ah ah! He was very sad when he loose them when they were runing around the river. We'll search! Smiling

(PS: can somebody explain me what is "author.19444"? When I try to ad a comment on the community site, it tells me that I have to specify a valid author.19444... What can be the problem? Thank you!)
Anjali's picture

To fix the "valid author

To fix the "valid author error," your Display Name (which is now "Reika") has to match your username (which is "Origami"). You need to change your display name to Origami. c:
Origami's picture

Oh thank you very much!

Oh thank you very much! Laughing out loud
* Que Deus te dê o dobro daquilo que me desejas. *