
Yesterday I saw two deer on the lilypads in the pond. I tried to get to them but I kept on falling in the water. How do you do that????
Pegasicorn's picture

There's a method for walking

There's a method for walking on water. First, run until you hit the barrier that keeps you from going into the deep water. Stop there. You can also avoid the shallow water and just jump from one of the cliff-banks while constantly jumping. Start running onto the water, but keep jumping (basically spam jump). Then, to walk on the water, start walking backwards. You can also sit on the water, but it's tricky to get up without falling in. You can also dance and listen, but anything else will make you fall in.

The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Bio of the Ruins Duo



but the deer I saw weren't

but the deer I saw weren't running or jumping: they were walking!Exclaim!!
Pegasicorn's picture

Walking forwards, or

Walking forwards, or backwards? If backwards, that's the only way to walk on the water. If forwards...they've been messing with the game files. ^^;

The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Bio of the Ruins Duo

