Leaving. D:

fayne's picture
I'm leaving tomorrow. XC I'll be gone for about ten days, up to Watertown and Albany, New York. My grandmother's having knee surgery so I have to go up there with my mom. DX I'm not sure what the internet status will be, but I might be able to get on for a few days. Good news is, I'm stopping at Gettysburg for a day! XD
I'll miss you guys.
Emiva's picture

miss u too *sniffle hug*

miss u too *sniffle hug* Gettysburg is amazing! <333 Dont worry, at least you didn't miss the ABIO. (like I did -_-)
Tabithaaa's picture

D8 Well, good luck to your


Well, good luck to your granny, and we'll see you soon! -Hugs- <3

DX I shalt miss you! Good

DX I shalt miss you! Good luck to your gran ;.; <33333

-- Dannii <3
Kumiko's picture

Hope your grandma's knee

Hope your grandma's knee surgery goes ok.

We'll be here waiting for your epic return! Shocked


Fan art done by Vesper. (Thanks again! Smiling )
Pegasicorn's picture

Titles like this always give

Titles like this always give me a near-heart attack. o_o I'm glad it's only temporary.
Hope things go ok!

The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Bio of the Ruins Duo
Anzel's picture

Albany's where my

Albany's where my grandparents live XD; You'll only be 4 hours away from me :3
Pegasicorn's picture

Think Albany's 5 or 6 hours

Think Albany's 5 or 6 hours from me. If it's the same distance Corning is from me anyway. ^^;

The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Bio of the Ruins Duo
Anzel's picture

Now I no longer wonder why I

Now I no longer wonder why I often load Pega's deer >:3 You must not live too far from me, heh. (umm, i'm not going to say where i live, since it's private info, please don't try and find out, but i live only 45 minutes to an hour from corning)
Pegasicorn's picture

My grandfather's house was

My grandfather's house was near Corning, and my aunt and uncle live near there. =]
Craziness, but I guess ti does explain why you load my deer so often. Less distance to travel. XD;

The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Bio of the Ruins Duo