
Lav's picture
I decided to remake this. It's nothing special but whatever. Once again I have returned to the forest.

About Lav

Name: Lavokeah (Nickname: Lav)
Age: Adult
Personality: Introvert. Always kind but very quiet.
Gender: Female
Likes: The night, rain storms, bats, paranormal activity, the graveyard, the quiet.
Dislikes: being stalked or being afraid.
Sexual Orientation: Straight
Significant Other: n/a
Story: n/a (I didn't like her old story so I removed it. Right now she doesn't have one and honestly I'm too lazy to make up a new one so..yeah.)
Appearance: Halloween themed. Skeletal pelt with candle-holding antlers.
Favorite time of day: nighttime or morning.
Favorite color: Black or Silver
Friends: n/a
Offspring: a daughter. (the lost fawn who probably doesn't remember playing with me years back. Dang I miss u.)
Common moods: Tranquil, bored, apathetic, glee.
Home: Undecided/none

Hey, welcome back. I like the

Hey, welcome back.
I like the name and she sounds interesting, hope to see you around in the forest.