Last Day of Vacation!

Nevermore16's picture
Dear diary,

My last day of vacation was spent split between watching parade (Didn't J.R. Martinez look like a happy little boy as the Grand Marshal? I love him.), playing Gryffs, playing TEF, and relaxing. I must say, having Monday off was really great (despite the joy of being homeschooled). It gave me one last chance to have a day just for me doing whatever I pleased. (Which generally involves computering. >_>) Nevertheless, though I may miss vacation freedom, I am looking forward to starting up theatre rehearsals this week. It will make my studies more than tolerable. |D
Anyway, I met several fun people on my little journeys in the TEF world; hello shoutout to all of you that may read this! I'm slowly learning the ropes of "flying". Practice, practice, practice. Now I need to figure out how to glue actions to keys...