Lady Luck Readings: Ross' Tarot

Past: well, you did receive a bad card, right off the bat, friend Ross. A major arcana card that is upside down. One of my least favourite cards. The Tarot revealed was the tower, reversed. Typically, it represents change, speed, and insight. Whatever they may mean to you. In it's position, it says that in your friends department, you've experienced pointless misfortune... a situation that can't have happened to better your personal well being, but a situation that had no positive result on you, that you can tell. This obviously makes it hard for you to cope with... whatever came of the situation, and the negative impact on your life. The friendship or the situation you were in could have been frustrating to deal with, and moreover, unnecessary. All you can do is endure the lasting pain from this past influence. Rest assured, since the tower does represent change, you should expect to overcome the influence of this past issue, if you haven't already. The tower's past influence will not last forever.

Present: eight gold prentacles upside down... this Tarot card is telling you to stop burning out. The proper analogy of this card is more personal, than something that can be applied to friendships. Its saying that your impatience is getting the better of you, as your short-term needs override your long-term goals. I mean, this could mean that you're making quick decisions to apply to your friendships now, to fulfill your current desires, but you're not going to reap the rewards of putting off some of your lesser needs, which will add up [like stocks] for the future, in your relationships. This could mean, in other contexts, that you're not working for the right reasons; example, living to work vs. working to live. You're doing the ladder. You're not enjoying your friendships-- or one specific one-- the way you should. You work yourself in some friendship(s) so hard that you cannot see beyond the end of the next sunset. Your eyes are on the ground too close in front of you when you're running... Your energy is precious. In any situation. Don't burn out. You have to be the sun. You have to shine. You are the light in your life, don't give all that precious light to someone else. They can produce it themself-- it's unfortunate to see good individuals become their own leech.

Future: Ross, your future, it is represented by another pentacles card-- the two, to be exact. It's quite open ended, and up to you to manipulate. The two pentacles are very close friends, but the problem is that they simply do not work out together. They believe that they will be successful on a co-operative venture, but the truth is that they are missing out on the rewards they could reap because they are incompatible. This could apply to your friendships because you're contradictory with someone else, or you clash. It may not be obvious now, but keeping an eye out for your clashing spirits or opinions is very important. You can take this card however you like, but it does warn of unfortunate circumstance and the lost opportunities because you insist on holding onto this relationship. This is very personal, so it might be hard to drift away from a friendship that you're so connected to. Your fate is in your hands now, though. Learn from the two pentacles if you wish.