Kekeke =3

Zergarikiaka's picture
Well, I decided to create two more characters. *gosh darned character creation addict*

This time however, I don't plan on nessessarilly introducing them until after they grow up. Their names however... I'll leave to those who know me on other sites to figure out.

Hint: They're both named after two of my "The Dragon's Haven" characters. One is portrayed as 'mad/crazy', and the other is a secretly hopeless romantic. =P Traits I plan to keep.

I won't reveal the picto's until they're grown and have their sets ready.

Both are indeed stags, too.

Pegasicorn's picture

XD And the addiction

XD And the addiction spreads...
I've held back. Technically my "newest" deer (Toukan) isn't "new". He's just being brought back under a different picto I had saved. =B

The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Pega's Forest Philosophy: Look for Friends. Let Love find you.
Zergarikiaka's picture

X'D It's just too fun to

X'D It's just too fun to make new characters, or bring old ones back. Admittedly, I have a habit of taking my old RP characters and remodeling them for different sites and RP genres. XP About... 80% my characters are like that! XD

Pegasicorn's picture

Kin and Touk are like that

Kin and Touk are like that for me. Laughing out loud They were originally characters in a fanfic I had that died. (Kinsha was a quarter leopard-demon and had a leopard tail. XD And Toukan was an ice horse-demon who got an injured leg. XD)

The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Pega's Forest Philosophy: Look for Friends. Let Love find you.
Zergarikiaka's picture

lol, awesome. XP Zerg and

lol, awesome. XP
Zerg and Mar Sart were both origionally made for Invader Zim based RP/Fiction... X'P I started writing the story they're in in 2002(?) and still haven't completely finished it. *dies* I think I have... 4 chapters left to finish, too, before I can permit myself to start another fiction.