December 31, 2008 - 11:07pm — Anzel
I had a dream last night that there was a doe in the forest who wore the Kirin Pelt and antlers, with amethyst gems and golden threads and the mask of a deer with foolish eyes...
I saw all the other deer frozen, and saw her move. Her movements were a tad laggy, like Scape seemed to me when Nurra listened to a moving deer in the Pond of the 7th of August. But I noticed her moving around, jumping gently over a little creek.
I ran with her in my dream a while...
:/ I miss being normal...
*sits in her favorite circle next to an eternally sleeping deer, depressed and alone*
Sometimes I wish I had
The other night I had a dream I was playing with a gian group of kids and we were playing like if we were in the midevil times and I kinda acted like I was a pirate. Like I was acting, ya know. I was even dressed like one near the end. I had a boring plastic sword though >.< BORING and why did it have to be with little kids? DANG Well I better stop rambling now.
*pokes and flees*
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SWEET DREAM. I haven't had
I haven't had any TEF dreams yet, sadly. D: Yours sounded awesome though! O:
I've messed up my sleep
I dun want TEF dreams, I miss being normal ;-; *pleads hopelessly to auriea for a single hour of normality*
*HugGlomps* I have complex
And I've had more complex dreams than THAT
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I'm too tired to recall my
I wonder if people are near me or not in the forest...*can't tell* *mean map* *mean picto of mine*
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