June 21st Photo Journal

Skyker's picture
When I logged back in this morning all my pelts and masks and antlers had gone AWOL, so a couple of deer helped Twinnie recover those.

And help her find her 'true calling' as far as sets go. She's always loved this scaly pelt.

After wards she pranced around with some fawns, not quite out of the fawn-mindset herself, having only 'grown up' a few hours ago.

This fawn really kept Twinnie company, please identify yourself! Twinnie really enjoyed your company this morning. Smiling

Finally Twinnie spotted a familiar picto and went to see if this elusive deer would spend time with her today. But as usual he/she ran from Twinnie. But this time Twinnie was older, and more grown up and had the attention span to follow them and try to show that she wasn't scary or a threat. This deer hooked her attention like never before and with gusto she went to solve the mystery of the shy-seeming deer.

She followed him/her to a small hillock in the birch forest, where they proceeded to bury themselves in the hill and lay down.

Twinnie decided to keep them company and maybe they would trust her a little. However, she ended up falling asleep while waiting, and this strange deer was gone by the time she woke up. But their picto was not.

Eventually this deer's companion let Twinnie know not to follow, and seemed to apologize in their own way. Twinnie tried to express her innocent curiosity and desire to get to know this enigma of a deer.

Eventually she decided that her approach would only drive the deer away, and not wanting to ruin the fun for him/her and his/her companion, she lay down.

She would utilize something she had not in abundance when a fawn. Patience. And dedication. She wanted to show this strange deer that she could wait for him/her.

And so she watched from a distance, for a good while they were too far away for her to see anything other than their forms.

This nameless came and kept her company for a time, but as she crept a pace or two closer in an attempt to see what the two were up to, he left.

A familiar fawn also came and left and soon it was just Twinnie.
But luck was with her as the pair came a little closer to a tree. They began to cast spells at each other and roll in laughter and with a pang of loneliness, Twinnie held fast to her convictions.

Eventually it was time to go, and with a final cry of 'good bye' she lay down to rest. (Hopefully her set will be there when she wakes up)

Bawww <3 The shy deer you

Bawww <3 The shy deer you saw was Corvus, and his companion was Maha xD She would have been glad to play around if Corvus wasn't so shy D: Anyway, I hope to see you inforest again sometime n.n;

MAHA: n.n;;; I'm v-very sorry...Corvus is...well, he...he's shy, and...-nuzzle-

-- Dannii <3

Draak's picture

Awwwww that there, was my

Awwwww that there, was my shy Corvus. And the other deer was Maha, one of his closest friends c:
Dont feel bad, he's like that with every deer he doesnt know that runs up to him |D

DraakxMitra C:
Skyker's picture

This is the third time with

This is the third time with Corvus. :3 Issok, maybe they can be friends some time. For now Twinnie will be patient.

Hatchin' dragons yeah!
Draak's picture

aww 8D. Yeah XD it takes a

aww 8D. Yeah XD it takes a little while. If you dont bolt up to him, and walk up slowly he's less likely to run.

DraakxMitra C:

Target has been identified

Target has been identified as Dusk, my little fawnie.
You may not like the news but you got to like the one who delivers them, Paperboy!