August 23, 2008 - 5:22am — Inuyasha1141
Hi Im startong a story called Jewl Of The Four Souls and I need voulenteers to be in the cast. So Please if you would like You could be in the story here is the list of people so far.
Thanks to all the charicters
Chapter2:Working on
Chapter3:Not done yet
Chapter4:Not done yet
Chapter5:Not done yet
Please foregive me if I spell your names wrong I will gladly fix it
I am also sorry that the stories are takeing so long I just need to think more
Me? (InuYasha is awesome...
(InuYasha is awesome... *pokes you icon*)
Sure what does your deer
I am night
Nobody can defeat my battle
U are weak
You cannot win
A black hole is my heart
So what do you think
Have you died yet?
A black forest is my home
I am Inuyasha
Pets name: Inuyasha
Adopt your own!
Clicky on him to see my other pets
My deer is female, she wears
OK Your In!
I am night
Nobody can defeat my battle
U are weak
You cannot win
A black hole is my heart
So what do you think
Have you died yet?
A black forest is my home
I am Inuyasha
Pets name: Inuyasha
Adopt your own!
Clicky on him to see my other pets
You can use Quad if you'd
InuYasha rocks XDD I have
Rutilus, Taliene, and Jared.
Rutilus tends to be the one everrrryone picks 8D Hes just so smexxeh.
-- Dannii <3
Emi is a gazelle pelted doe... and you can give her whatever personality you like ;D
You can use Vanity Knight or
Snowrift's Updates
I am night
Nobody can defeat my battle
U are weak
You cannot win
A black hole is my heart
So what do you think
Have you died yet?
A black forest is my home
I am Inuyasha
Pets name: Inuyasha
Adopt your own!
Clicky on him to see my other pets
Thankies!! You chose
Snowrift's Updates
Thanks for adding Rut in!
His name is spelt Rutilus
-- Dannii <3
lol sry oh and Np U guys
I am night
Nobody can defeat my battle
U are weak
You cannot win
A black hole is my heart
So what do you think
Have you died yet?
A black forest is my home
I am Inuyasha
Pets name: Inuyasha
Adopt your own!
Clicky on him to see my other pets
If nobody replies and you
You can use one of mine!
You could use Martisol if
Ask me a question or three!
Sry Iv'e been grounded from
I am night
Nobody can defeat my battle
U are weak
You cannot win
A black hole is my heart
So what do you think
Have you died yet?
A black forest is my home
I am Inuyasha
Pets name: Inuyasha
Adopt your own!
Clicky on him to see my other pets
Well Marti's all grown up
Martisol's Bio
Oh ok thanks though Ill keep
I am night
Nobody can defeat my battle
U are weak
You cannot win
A black hole is my heart
So what do you think
Have you died yet?
A black forest is my home
I am Inuyasha
Pets name: Inuyasha
Adopt your own!
Clicky on him to see my other pets