September 3, 2008 - 12:52am — Inuyasha1141
Here It is enjoy you guys!
Siolance fell over the forest as Rutilus walked siolently through the brush into the clearing. Looking for Vanity, He calls out but no reply. "where are you" he asks but still no reply "Hello!? says a deep but young voice." It was none other than Vanity the kind and gentel Doe. But to his surprise Rutilus couldn't understand this madness. "Where are you? Where is every one?" He said outloud. Suddenly the bushes moved, Rutlis turned around slowly...."Hello?" "Is anyone here??" But the bushes stopped shakeing. "HELLO?" he was getting scareder and scareder. Suddenly an attack came from behind. Rutilus did what he could... He bucked and kicked what ever had attacked him. He ran deeper and deeper into the woods. What ever had attacked him he woundered. He looked back "Well what ever had attacked me is gone." he said. "Or so you thought We were gone."A deep voice said. "Who Are you What are you?" He asked scared half to death. Then suddenly He noticed he was surrounded. a black wolf suddenly jumped out of the brush, then another, and another and another."Be smart and give us the jewl your reward is your life It's not much but still." "What Jewl? Why Me!?" suddenly one attacks But before it could touch a mysterious stag jumps streight over Rutilis Followed by Vanity. The stag had knocked down the wolf. "What do you want with Rutilus?" Asked Vanity."The jewl"the wolf said with his last breath. "If any body else wants to end up like your friend here I suggest you try to attack us." Said the stag as the wolves ran away. "Are you alright?" asked Vanity and The stag. "Yes" Rutilus said, Looking deep into Vanity's eyes with fear. He turned to the stag. "Who are you?" he asked "and why did you help me?" "I'm Sorry It seems I have foregotten to introduce myself." said the Stag. "I am Blackwolf1141, and the reason I saved you is because this had nothing to do with you." Rutilus Had just realized a marking on Blackwolf's forehead. "Please foregive me for asking but whats that on you're fore head?" Asked Rutilus. "Ah I see you've finally noticed", "This is what the wolves were looking for it's called The Jewl Of Four Souls"he said.
Cool! I can't wait to hear
Martisol's Bio
lol good to hear I'll try to
I am night
Nobody can defeat my battle
U are weak
You cannot win
A black hole is my heart
So what do you think
Have you died yet?
A black forest is my home
I am Inuyasha
Pets name: Inuyasha
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Ah yes. Homework. The one
Martisol's Bio
lol _________________________
I am night
Nobody can defeat my battle
U are weak
You cannot win
A black hole is my heart
So what do you think
Have you died yet?
A black forest is my home
I am Inuyasha
Pets name: Inuyasha
Adopt your own!
Clicky on him to see my other pets
Snowrift's Updates
I am night
Nobody can defeat my battle
U are weak
You cannot win
A black hole is my heart
So what do you think
Have you died yet?
A black forest is my home
I am Inuyasha
Pets name: Inuyasha
Adopt your own!
Clicky on him to see my other pets
MOAR. MOAR. MOAR. *gobbles*
lol _________________________
I am night
Nobody can defeat my battle
U are weak
You cannot win
A black hole is my heart
So what do you think
Have you died yet?
A black forest is my home
I am Inuyasha
Pets name: Inuyasha
Adopt your own!
Clicky on him to see my other pets
LOL XD I loved it MOARRR
-- Dannii <3
Uh.... I still have to think
I am night
Nobody can defeat my battle
U are weak
You cannot win
A black hole is my heart
So what do you think
Have you died yet?
A black forest is my home
I am Inuyasha
Pets name: Inuyasha
Adopt your own!
Clicky on him to see my other pets