CSS layout compiled by Vurufu made especially and exclusively for Faustt's use.
Javascript made by Hraeth. Artwork and original design by Tuhka.
This is a character that doesn't represent the player in any way. 100% always in character.
The rest of your information in here. I just kinda improvised.
? First time introductions are usually done with her last name. Her first name may be given at a later time.
? Share her bed and she will quickly forget. Hold her heart and she’ll never let go.
? Outwardly friendly, but distrustful until otherwise proven.
? Should one sway her loyalties to them she’ll spend her last breath for them.
? Does not show anger easily, a calm head is far more entertaining than blind rage.
? Kind in nearly every gesture, giving selflessly and expecting nothing in return.
? Even-tempered, bordering on peaceful, in some ways.
? Intelligent, respectful, almost rustic in her mannerisms.
? Good-natured, and is seldom driven to intense mirth or sorrow.
? On the whole, charming, quite eloquent and able to joke and wink her way out of trouble.
You need to fix your node
108022 <- this
Also hello pretty pretty
(No subject)
I don't even know how to fix
edit: Fixed! :>
pretty ♥
Sig: Aihnna
love this ♥
(No subject)
Ahh, so pretty. ♥
Thank you ^-^
gasps what a beautyyy
what a beautyyy
-rolls around on blog-