Kiwizoom's picture
:333 I logged on earlier today and realized that logging in didn't change me into a fawn anymore ^^ I even still had on my pink flowers in my antlers. It was like I grew up overnight... I also met some nice people, including the person who said they're picto looked like a birdhouse or something? :3 I really enjoyed spending time with you guys and inventing my new set!!! I was probably a little annoying by circling the pinecone tree ^^

Also, I have not decided whether I wanted to be a doe or a stag. Originally I wanted to be a doe with horns, but it turned out the spells that were casting on me made me look manleh hehe ^^ I'll be figuring out what I want my char to be I guess, I'll leave it up to time

Until then, visit me in the forest!! My picto to me looks like a sword pointing into a corner, or a cancer ribbon ^^ Thank you for reading and happy frollicking!

Also, I will never forget you, who spent quality time with me on my stoeday ^^

Endless was acting up so I couldn't see your picto, but we had tons of fun together : ) You showed me some glitches I had never seen before! XPP

I can't wait until I'm a

I can't wait until I'm a stag--I want permanent spells. D: Grats on growing up! I'll keep an eye out for you. I'm a fawn with a picto that looks like a fox.
Kiwizoom's picture

Aww thank you! It really is

Aww thank you! It really is a happy feeling to have worked a month for this : ) Other deer will pay more attention to you to. Until then though, I'd be happy to be yourfriend! ( and beyond of course xP )

( OMG it does look like a fox!! )
Taiko's picture

Happy stoeday, Kiwi! Yup,

Happy stoeday, Kiwi!
Yup, I'm the stag-who's-picto-looks-like-a-birdhouse in the first picture. XD It was fun running around and casting spells. Smiling
Kelvana's picture

That was me in the ruins,

That was me in the ruins, playing as my doe Kitiri. I had fun too, happy stoe day! Hope to see you in the forest again, though I may be playing as my stag Kelvana, depends on what mood I'm in....
Kiwizoom's picture

Thanks, both of you! It

Thanks, both of you! It /was/ a lot of fun ^^ I'll be keeping an eye out for yous~ : )

Inuyasha1141's picture

I know im still a fawn but i

I know im still a fawn but i will keep my eyes on u!!!!

Pets name: Inuyasha
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