They are twins, and (hopefully) always in the Forest at the same time.
Differences betwixt the two: Uvavu is slightly larger built than Iranu, and Iranu has scruffier hair and is more wiry built than Uvavu. Uvavu swears he doesn’t use hair products, but it is suspiciously shiny and well-kempt. Iranu is the faster runner, Uvavu is the better singer (but there isn't much in it).
They are, quite frankly, rather mental. (8
They looooove love love music, and will often be found singing loudly.
In association with the above, Iranu and Uvavu will hopefully be making a good few music videos.
A favourite pastime of theirs is doing idiotic things with frying pans (“The rush you get from the anticipation of what will happen when it goes wrong!” “Yeah, and trustmeitwill!”) and finding huge amusement from explosives (“Nowt like a little explosion to wake you up in the morning!” “HAM-a-KABLAMMO!”) (…yeah, particularly blowing up ham), thinking up mad quests for themselves and somehow managing to complete them (“What do you mean, not in this pond?” “We’ll fish for bats all day if we have to! >C”)
I + U have a habit of inexplicably getting their hands on and delighting on all sorts of gadgetry and odd little items.
“SPARKLERS. That last. What more could you want?”
“It’s uh… uhm, I guess you could call it a face-mantelpiece?”
Not to mention the frying pans and various hammers that they can seemingly produce from somewhere at any time. And ham. Where on earth did they get their hands on a plate of sliced ham?!
Even they don't know how they manage to find these odd and un-Forest-like items, they only know that they do.
In their more sober moments, they will try really hard to chat up lay-deez, but they have trouble separating themselves from each other, so they usually FAIL and then they lose the moment and go all random and I WONDER IF WE COULD MAKE A RAINBOW OUT OF CRAZY-GOLF BALLS ACROSS THE EIGHTEENTH HOLE IF WE STEAL THE BALL BUCKET FROM THE KIOSK and run away madly. And anyway, most does they’ve met find them to be just too odd/random/creepy.
They are very close to each other, and have been companions constantly, never falling out once. Such like minds would be harder to find. They are not actually telepathic, but think so the same that they might as well be.
Obviously, button mashing. Goes without saying. Also, remember I don’t have two computers, so I am running two (at least) Forests on the same unit. Meaning that, I can only get one running at a time, but the other can still do walking speed, so moving from place to place shouldn’t be too slow! And hopefully should be good fun to be around, expect craziness. ^ ^
What about when they are recording music video?
When they are recording, I will say so on and update this page, and please, PLEASE stay away from them if you know or suspect they are recording. It’s a long enough process as it is, and I do try to avoid random cameos if it doesn’t suit the film! xD;
What about the 'art persona'?
(As this bio page is a WIP, this bit will definately be updated as I get references up)
Despite what my current pictures of them may lead you to believe, they do not have fangs. I just do that to emphasise creepy-grin-ness.
Click on the picture for each music video. know, in about a months time, when I might maybe have one.
Click on the picture for each short story.
Whenever I draw a picture with Iranu and Uvavu in, I usually have an entire short story that goes with it. So, hopefully, as I get around to scanning pics, I'll get around to writing the stories too... ~ OK, so... sounds familiar?
I know for certain that some of you know, and maybe some have guessed (though I doubt it...) that Iranu and Uvavu are inspired by Vic Reeves and Bob Mortimer. Note, inspired by. Not meant to be them, in the way that the WLiiA deer are. I wouldn't feel confortable playing them as them. Howver, a lot of their quirks and sayings (but not all, I'm not telling you which is which) are taken from R & M. Also, one deer is not always representing the same one of R & M, they swap frequently what person they take lines/quirks/ideas from. And half the time, it's not taken from anything at all, just random stuff I come up with! The names 'Iranu' and 'Uvavu' are taken from Shooting Stars, can't be bothered to explain, go look it up. XD
Now that disclaimer's out the way...
~ Gossipy gossip!
Iranu and Uvavu have come from Somewhere Else. Where, nobody knows. Yeah yeah, very mysterious, and they don't know either. But they know that they stumbled into the Forest and can't find a way out, not that they've tried, they don't want to, no way. But anyway. When the two new guys arrived in the Forest (as fully grown deer), there was much speculation on where they came from, what were they like, and their orientation. Such closeness between the two stags did not go unnoticed, and as the Forest deer did not know that I + U were related, it was generally accepted and talked about that they were gay together by the time any word got out contradicting it! The twins found the whole thing immensly funny, and didn't exactly help. In fact, they practically egged the rumour on, just to see what would happen! Of course, by now everyone knows that they are brothers. But that hasn't stopped there being a general confusion over the issue, whilst Iranu and Uvavu just laugh and carry on trying to build a treehouse, or make chedder, or sing in harmonies.
Whew, that's all I can bear typing for now. More and more will be added to this...
Lul thanks! It'll get more detailed over time, so many little things that come out in stories. ^^
~Liëka~FIU~~Artemis/Hunter~Troll~Deer Of Deermuda~Mourner~Irish Elk~~Iranu and Ovavu~
Current obsessions:
Nearly all grown up I see... I can't wait to see them in the forest.
I love Their Bio too, soo unique <3
Oh and when i read this....
"What about when they are recording music video?
When they are recording, I will say so on and update this page, and please, PLEASE stay away from them if you know or suspect they are recording. It’s a long enough process as it is, and I do try to avoid random cameos if it doesn’t suit the film! xD; "
well Raffles is just going to have to hunt them down and try and be in the background holding a big card up saying "HI MUM"
Wellit'snotreallytelepathy. But still yeah. 8D They know each others heads, I guess.
And I don't understand whut you mean thar, Shimmeh! ^^; (I can read it but is that a question?)
And yay Tabbiiiiii! yay haven't seen you in ages
SO FRUSTRATING they grow up today, but THIS EVENING. *wrigglewriggle*
~Liëka~FIU~~Artemis/Hunter~Troll~Deer Of Deermuda~Mourner~Irish Elk~~Iranu and Ovavu~
Current obsessions:
Can I has feedback on music plz? ^^; Cos some people get it wear the music only works on the host computer.
~Liëka~FIU~~Artemis/Hunter~Troll~Deer Of Deermuda~Mourner~Irish Elk~~Iranu and Uvavu~
Current obsessions:
It's working for me now. o.o
~Liëka~FIU~~Artemis/Hunter~Troll~Deer Of Deermuda~Mourner~Irish Elk~~Iranu and Uvavu~
Current obsessions:
Damn, that's detailed! But
To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul
To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul
Lul thanks! It'll get more
Current obsessions:
Nearly all grown up I see...
I love Their Bio too, soo unique <3
Oh and when i read this....
"What about when they are recording music video?
When they are recording, I will say so on and update this page, and please, PLEASE stay away from them if you know or suspect they are recording. It’s a long enough process as it is, and I do try to avoid random cameos if it doesn’t suit the film! xD; "
well Raffles is just going to have to hunt them down and try and be in the background holding a big card up saying "HI MUM"
These guys rock, quite srsly.
With guitars and such.
Teeheeee crazy tea parties and explosive pork for ALL.
And I don't understand whut you mean thar, Shimmeh! ^^; (I can read it but is that a question?)
And yay Tabbiiiiii! yay haven't seen you in ages
SO FRUSTRATING they grow up today, but THIS EVENING. *wrigglewriggle*
Current obsessions:
Can I has feedback on music
Current obsessions:
i can't get it too work, but
Hrm. It does take sometimes
It's working for me now.
Current obsessions: