Ulysses! .... and holy crap that is a LARGE picture! Sorry about that. I thought it would be smaller XD
(Pronounced like You'll-iss-E's)
None right now....
Unknown but he acts adult-like
Coat Color:
Dark Greyish Blue...his legs are white, ears and tail are black
Eye Color:
Words that describe Him:
Gentle, thoughtful, curious, protective, sensitive, odd, sarcastic, loving, mature, casual....
Father is unknown. Mother abandoned him after her third son was born leaving Ulysses to take on the parenting role. He has two brothers named Sibrand and Ugo.
I named Ulysses after the great General-In-Chief, Ulysses S. Grant. Plus, when I watch 'Jeopardy!' for any answer I don't know I just shout out "ULYSSES!!!!!"
Ulysses seems almost Bipolar sometimes. He can the sweetest boy in the forest and turn into a terrible mess in the blink of an eye! But don't worry. He usually keeps control of himself and tries to use good manners. Ulysses likes to watch over fawns like they are his own siblings and enjoys keeping them company. Sometimes when other deer approach he gets a little aggressive and maybe a bit too protective. He doesn't mean to, it's just an automatic response. It' normal to him XD
When I discussed with my friend about Ulysses she asked about his sexual orientation and honestly I don't think he really cares. If you love someone you love someone. Simple

... I think.
So what do you think of Ulysses? I'll put up some concept arts of his brothers Sibrand and Ugo some day...
What a lovely character.
and what a lovely drawing O.O in fact, I think I'm in love with it. And I love his expression xD
/too much love here.
It's almost like you used
Oh he looks so adorable
Thank you, guys! I appreciate
Actually, I just took a picture of my original drawing and used Picnik (photo editing website) for the text and coloring
I hope for him to be the
Awhawww he looks so
You should put up more