June 7, 2018 - 8:51pm — Flyleaf
Hi !!
Could anyone be so kind to tell me how i can get
the 3d deer and the Sundeer with the link M + A sended me ?
I always end up on shapeways and have to add my visa card numbers .
I thought you get them for free with the colour of your choice ??
Thank you to anyone who can help me out !
M and A did not answer on my mail i asked for help ...
I can help! Do you have a
Here is my secondary mail
Thank you !!
Tell if it doesn't work ...i will give you my main adress or
post here .
I'm having the same problem -
@Flyleaf: Sent! Let me know
@Ebony3: If you give me your email I can help you too! Let me know what perks you got / send a screenshot of your donation receipt?
I'll see if I can find it -
Indiegogo, yes! If you log in
Found it - here
I thought you had to buy them
Pretty sure you do have to
I got the same mail from M +
But what do.i need to do to get my perks without paying ..
The donators get the perks for free ...no ?
Nothing to buy M+A said for the donators ...
The perk just grants you the
But prices on the page are
I thought perks were supposed
From all of the funding pages I have seen, this is the first time I see a perk being required to be paid by the backer.
Flyleaf, I've never seen the
Perhaps if anyone reading this has purchased one, do you have any info for us on pricing?
HeartClock, I'm pretty sure they stated from the beginning (as seen in the post I linked) that you have to pay for them. However the perks aren't described overly well on the fundraising page, so I can completely understand how anyone could be confused by it.
Site is really confusing
You'll have to pay the whole deer price ...i think .
I wish someone who has already ordered one could help out here .
I know it was stated that you
But I don't see the point because it's a perk. Like I said, I've seen a lot of funding pages for other video games and this is the first time I see a perk that the backer has to pay for in order to have it instead of being offered by the creators/devs like it usually is since perks are like "thank-you" gifts for backing the project.
I just don't see the logic in here. You back the project with the amount but then you have to pay what that you are supposed to receive as a "thank you". Aren't perks gifts? What's the point of having to pay for them even though you already spent money to support the project?
Can just someone please explain to me? I'm confused.
Sorry, I misread your
Yes, it is. If They cannot
If They cannot afford the figurines (with shipping), then they should have not offered it as a perk.
If we think about it, the perk is not the figurine, but the private link, which doesn't make any sense to me because it's not an actual offer then.
They should have made the link public so that anybody can buy their own 3D printed figurine without having to back the game. What tells you that people would not back it just because they can get their figurine without having to do so?
Don't get me wrong, I would have paid for the figurine if I had supported the project with the required amount, because why not? But it's just illogical in my opinion.
You don't want to or just can't back the game with that much of money? Buy the figurine directly yourself!
You backed the game with the amount of money necessary for the figurine? Then get it for free!
That's how it should have been.
I get that they want to make the figurine for the backers only to thank them or maybe to make sure that people will back the game (believe it or not, some people financially support a game just to get the perks), but they seriously did not have to do it. Yes, it's nice of them, but they did not need to because the TEF community would have supported them and the project nonetheless. I bet a lot of players would have spent 1000€ anyway (maybe not all at once, of course), regardless of what they'll get in return.
It's nice as a thank-you gift...except that it's not an actual thank-you gift.
Sorry, I just can't help but to constantly think with logic. I mean, there must be one, right? *sigh*
All this is strange ... Why
Why do M + A not answer to my mails ??
Even shapeways has problems ...they say due to higher traffic your request could not be finished ...
Flyleaf, my university has a
This is very sweet of you
But let M + A react ...i am curious .
Maybe i'll order them from shapeways ...lets see
And if you did them for me i would pay you too ...sadly my paypal
Account keeps making me problems ...
3; i'm sorry you're having
it might help to tweet them since they're pretty active on twitter
I never used twitter
Maybe they will answer me over my mail they did always before ...
Sadly still no response from
did they ever respond, fly?