I'm not alright.. (a little mood warning)

Anzel's picture
Just warning you all...I'm not particularly alright right now.

I am fine, physically, yes...but not emotionally.

If my inquiry is correct...and I do have some type of bipolar disorder, however mild it might be...I'm going through a manic phase.

I've been happy and hyper and such for a while now, Pega and Dannii and such can account for that. And 10 minutes ago...I just became so enraged that I was cussing and tapping keyboard keys with extreme fury (...lol).

I couldn't believe I had been happy then.

Now, the only way I can believe that I was even angry was this faint feeling of heat throughout my limbs o.o;

I'm happy again.

If I snap at you, simply let me calm down. I'm not all me right now. I don't want to lose more friends because of my mood swings. Thanks for understanding...

You can yell at me if you want, btw. This mood seems to be preventing me from tearing up o.o;

I'm gonna be Veinfawn. So fear me.
parrotsnpineapple's picture

Aaaahhh moodswings - dont we

Aaaahhh moodswings - dont we just love them >.<
I had a shocker yesterday - everybody gets them -huggles-

Just get a pillow and scream ^^