If [Saturn] were a star

Vessan's picture

Saturn in Epiphanes
name undisclosed
Named Smoke by mouse

Rough, Pushy, Intimidating, Big, Muscular, Athletic
Appears male, however, lacks testicles
Frustration and anguish is often shown through agression
Quick to act and quick to jujdge
There is a weird hissing and rattling sound in their stomach
Top of fur is very coarse and clumped, undercoat is soft but matted.
The coloured specks glimmer and eye shimmer seem to move.
Scars healed, seems to be active and healthy now. Very agressive towards 'pretties'.

loving, soft-voiced, whispery
Unable to propperly express themselves


> Mouse. Lieva*. Kissare* Ryuu

*unknown name but remembered


OkamiLugia's picture



Ves her, I'd be up to rp with

Ves her, I'd be up to rp with dis bby mby,
but so far Sat's track record was mostly booping peoplke with antlers.