I'm sorry I'm not strong today

I promised myself today that I wouldn't cry
But it's an emotion I can't control
I would gladly die
Just to see you alive

2 years to the day
Since you were so cruelly taken away
This day haunts me like no other
I wish to see you
Beside me and my mother
The two people that are near and dearest to my heart
This will never change

I feel your prescence but it still doesn't prevent me from shedding tears
Time has healed little
And coping is all I can try to do

I miss your smile your laughter
I miss you darling big brother.
This human separation is painful to bare
And all I can do is take life minute by minute

Today I can't hold back the memories
The tears they overflow
This anniversarry is planted deep within my soul
For it won't allow me to be strong
I break down
At the memory of the call.

Darling brother I love you
And wish your life hadn't ended is such a way

To the readers of the community I wish to express my sorrow
I'm sorry you must witness the greiving of a survivior
But today it seems I can not be strong,I apologize if you dislike my prescence here in this grieving time.
Flyleaf's picture

You have all the rights to

You have all the rights to write your feelings here !! I am sure it makes you feel better when you can share these strong emotions here !!
I send you a big "HUG" !!
Avatar @ Sluggs Siggy @ Amazegenalo
Bouncing Fly by Mary13
eyestrain's picture

I love you in your time of

I love you in your time of grieving, because there is nothing more human than tears over loss and nothing stronger than bearing it and continuing forward.

I don't strive to be the best, but instead I strive to do my best, and always give it my all every time.
Innisen's picture

Ah yes, I remember when you

Ah yes, I remember when you first told about the incident here. It seems you have coped well but sure, don't try to suffocate it, let it flow out little by little. You don't have to apologize for that. It has been only two years and I'm sure the memories are still fresh.
If you can't confuse people with your intelligence, amaze them with your bull****.

Thank you all for being so

Thank you all for being so kind and carring to me you all have helped far more than you'll ever know.