I really hate to ask but...

Zergarikiaka's picture
Would anyone be willing to E-mail me spelldata for a DotD pelt and Skull mask? I know one is rare and the other only available from the BZD, but eh, I used to have those before I learned how to save spelldata, and lost those some time after the BZD stopped appearing in forest after halloween (via falling into the lake and failing to glitch the game to get it back). I don't really care about what kind of anters are on the set... I'm not pickey... but I need those two features to go with my new deer... :x I already have a dotd pelt saved alone, technically, but it'd be nice to have the skull mask too... without having to wait another several months...

*hides* Again, I really hate to ask, but yua know... nothing is done without asking, right? And I know most people don't like to share spelldata, but I'm willing to share if anyone wants a certain set too...
SaritaWolf's picture

I only have the skull mask,

I only have the skull mask, 'cause Sarie shared with me. |D I could send that, but I don't think it'd do you much good 'cause you need the mask and pelt together.

Unless... Sarie, do you have the DOTD pelt under Vipin's other pelts? *checks*
SaritaWolf's picture

*checked* Nope. :'/ Sorry.

*checked* Nope. :'/ Sorry.
Zergarikiaka's picture

Ah, that's ok. I can really

Ah, that's ok. I can really just settle for the skull mask, and maybe nag Zab into dotd pelting me later? =P

DotD pelt? I have the full

DotD pelt?

I have the full zombie set I can send you...?

Zergarikiaka's picture

That would be awesome too.

That would be awesome too. =P Thanks CM. <3
Ah, my E-mail would be QTKTdragon@aol.com

Yeah, DotD is the skellington pelt... Appearantly only people who use the first version of TEF can cast it...