I need to find you!

Inufur's picture
Im looking for someone. We were at the pond jumping and dancing around. His or her pelt was red. He or she was wearing a green mask with red flowers in his or her antlers. I was a fawn. Please respond if you are that person! D:
Inufur's picture

Best part while i was with

Best part while i was with him or her I was in the water as a frog then jumped out in front of him or her and he or she got scared. It made me laugh so hard XDDDD
Snowsauria's picture

Oh, that would be my deer, we

Oh, that would be my deer, we had very fun romping with your fawn today, thank you. : D
Inufur's picture

Oh! Yay I found you. ^0^ Yes

Oh! Yay I found you. ^0^ Yes I totally agree. We should hangout sometime. Sticking out tongue