I KNOW I know you x.x

I was helping this deer with their set. I'm pretty sure I met them as a fawn. And I'm certain I was told who it is. But, I can't seem to remember, and it's really bugging me. >.<;;;
Sorry, but, remind me who you are? )X
Halafax's picture

That's Halafax and thank you

That's Halafax and thank you SO much for helping her get her set! I thought she was supposed to grow up today so I was quite surprised when I logged in last night to play her on her last day of "fawnhood" she was already grown XD

Aha, hopefully I'll remember

Aha, hopefully I'll remember your name next time! X3"
Maybe you created her earlier than you thought. Ah, well, you're welcome. :3

main deer: Amary, Melinoe, Sheen