Hiya, I'm Ellie and i'm new! Since i've joined everyone has been so wonderful! It's amazing how well everyone gets along. My sister, Nykki (her deer is Dragomir) showed me the game

She also showed me around. The watering hole is pretty. I think its sorta fun to go to the deep end and become a frog! This game is sure to bright up my summer!
Love Always,
Welcome to the forest! I
Hey welcome at the
My doe is Femke! Maby we will met^^
Welcome to the forest!
Glad you like the game already. Hopefully some of my deer will meet you at the forest sometime.
Welcome to the forest! The
Welcome to the Forest. =D
The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
Pega's Forest Philosophy: "Look for Friends. Let Love find you."
"If you don't like something, tolerate it."
le gasp~! You're Nykki's
You're Nykki's sister~?!
I'm Iris/Kaddy!
Great to have you Ellie! c:
.:The Highwayman:.
welcome to the forest! one
one rule, have fun!
(when your deer grows up and you get a set be carefull around the pond. if you fall in and lose your pelt just ask and someone will help you get it back ok.)
inspirer writing and poems //// if you like dragon eggs you can look at mine. at http://dragcave.net/user/xhunter
Yeah Nykki has shown me a