i have some questions

Tori's picture
- How i can have clone?
- How i can walk on and under water?
- Can i changing hotkeys? And how?
- When i sit, how can i move?
Thanks for answers Eye
Innisen's picture

1. You need to start TEF

1. You need to start TEF twice, so you end up with two copies of yourself.
2. You need to remove the pond file from your TEF program folder.
3.Move your cursor on the emotion you want and then press the button on your keyboard in which you want the emotion to be, any buttons f1- f12, but not f10 as it freezes the game.
4.You need to press forward as your deer is laying down. Not after he is gone down.
If you can't confuse people with your intelligence, amaze them with your bullshit.
If you can't confuse people with your intelligence, amaze them with your bull****.
Tori's picture

Thank you

Thank you Laughing out loud
Innisen's picture

Oh, and if you want to walk

Oh, and if you want to walk on water, you'll need a lot of practise. There's an invisible barrier guarding the pond. You'll notice it when you run towards the pond, you stop going forward and instead slide sideways. To walk on water you need to jump over the invisible barrier and start immediately moving backwards, turn around and back your way on the water. You can jump on on the water too, and dance. Anything else and you fall in the pond.

It takes a lot of practise, and some places it's harder to do than other spots. Some prefer jumping on the pond from the steep side, and some do it from the shallow end. Experiment. Run or gallop, do not walk. Do not take too long run, nor too short. Sticking out tongue
If you can't confuse people with your intelligence, amaze them with your bullshit.
If you can't confuse people with your intelligence, amaze them with your bull****.