January 17, 2009 - 4:14am — fayne
1. What would Tuna and Vipin do at Busch Gardens?
Go on the Griffon. Over. And over. And buy turkey legs and drop the bones on people in the skytram.
2. If Her started a bar, would you trust to drink any free drink she gave you?
What do you think.
3. Would you be able to sleep at night if Tuna became the executive of a firearms-producing company?
Yes because I owe her money and nobody else knows where I keep my wallet.
3. Quamar manages to start up an actual Mud Pie Factory. How long do you think it will last?
4. Would Renojack survive in math class?
5. Loofa's Brandname Ice Cream: Cigarette Flavored. On sale for 80% off. You are heavily craving ice cream right now but that's the only one left. Buy it?
NOOOOO because ice cream makes you fat but I'd give it to Pan to test.
6. Describe what shape you think Never's heart resembles.
Yours, Her. Only yours.
7. How long would you last with George at a Lego convention?
8. Halogen comes up to you and winks, smacking his lips. What do you do?
Make out with him on the spot, hoping it would freak him out enough to make him bugger off.
9. The Barbie Company releases a Pan doll. Would you sue the Barbie company?
I'd buy them all and sell them for an obscene price. cB
10. Masque, Rowan, and Rutilus have a break-dancing contest. Who will you place your bet for?
Masque lmfao I WROTE THIS TOO.
11. Guess which deer are in the following costumes: Playboy Bunny, Davy Jones, V, Batman, and Aladdin.
No. |D |D |D
12. Trois has to choose between pink nailpolish, rainbow nailpolish, or sparkly nailpolish. Which should he choose?
He can alternate.
13. What will Poet write about for her language arts assignment?
14. Is Squidward really Walter in disguise?
15. What would your reaction be if we said Emiva had her own lemonade stand up on her driveway selling drinks for $15.00 each?
lol like I am now.
16. Do you think Calamity would succeed in a career as a museum night guard?
She'd probably fall alseep and have a Night at the Museum dream while Tuna and Her steal all the stuff and sell it on Ebay.
17. No matter what your answer to that was, we all know Calamity would fail at such a job. How, then, would Scapecop react when he was put on the job to scold Cal?
She would give him puppydog eyes and he would relent and buy her Loofa's cigarette flavored ice cream. 8D
18. Is Fledermaus secretly the star of Napoleon Dynamite?
I wrote this one too lol. I think you know the answer.
19. There is a car named after Trinket. Would you buy it just for the soul-purpose of its epic name?
No. Only if it was blue. :|
20. Does Cadet wear underwire?
21. Twenty-One starts a babysitting company. Do you think she would quit when she realized how many people she'd have to fake mother to?
Noooo she'd divide the responsibility with Jen. c:
22. If Nox started his own secret diary, and Tuna put it up on the internet, would you read it or cringe in fear?
D. All of the above.
23. Quad dressed as a Powerpuff Girl for Halloween. Any comments?
...I'm going home.
24. Would Never be a good director for the next Batman?
25. You have to pee and head for the bathroom. When you enter, you find Rowan showering in your shower. What would you do?
Mace her and then whisk her away to the Shadow Gallery and apologize when she wakes up. :c <3
26. A commercial starts playing on your TV announcing that Uno has made her own dance video, your's free if you call in the next five minutes! Call in to buy it and lose some extra weight while looking hot?
27. If Echo's voice always echoed, would you envy her or pity her?
28. Cyric starts a Very Merry Manner-Teaching class. Why do you think he was hired?
He got the boss laid.
29. You go to your bookstore and find Benvolio, Tybalt, and Mercutio all studying a Romeo and Juliet novel. Would you say something or walk on?
I would buy them above ice cream. cB
30. Would Blackhoof survive a job as a sewer cleaner?
You have no idea how much these cheered me up. |D |D |D
#28 wins them all. It made
Not really but it felt that way. c|