I don't have a story.

Eirien's picture
I don't write stories about my deer. I don't intend to. She doesn't have a mate, no favorite foods, and no special abilities. I may draw her one day for fun but I don't really want to do anything outside of the game with her otherwise.

When you see her she's usually sleeping and it's because I'm using the game more as a screensaver than an interactive environment. The screensaver feature is actually what hooked me into dling the game. She may hop around and play at random, wander about and sit by people, or even suddenly disappear. I may even avoid groups sometimes because I don't want to break their immersion to the game by my possible un-rpish actions.

Again, I don't do it to be rude. I just don't feel as connected with storylines and rp here as much as others do. To me it's a beautiful screensaver where I can move around in if I choose to. It's also fun to visit this web community for I get to see the beautiful interactions of TEF poetry, songs, stories, pictures that go on around here.

I hope this helps you understand my perspective of the game. Thank you for reading.