Human Hunterartemis

Lyeekha's picture
Just a quick sketch of ideas for a human Artemis form. Again, photobucket scaled it down DRAMATICALLY, and the tongue is supposed to be purple.
Redkora's picture

Cool. +++++++ The Endless


The Endless Forest on Blogspot
Redkora's Profile: "I am Myself"
[pixel deer by Aldebaran]
Tabithaaa's picture

Oh snazz. I read it as

Oh snazz. I read it as "Heartamis" first, and was like, OOH, that's a pretty name! xD
Holding the knife by the blade? Owieowie... -hands over plasters galore-

You draw people very well... -ENVY- 8D

...Epic You're such a

...Epic Laughing out loud

You're such a talented artist <3 n.n I love this drawing! *nomflee*

-- Dannii <3

Sententia - Where Reality and Fantasy Merge