Umm, question, what deer wears a real deer mask and a magpie pelt (and maybe the brown spiky antlers, forgot) that was in the old oak earlier? I loaded them o.o;
Un I don't know the name but I think that might've been a deer I was trying to help get their set. o.o
Once I figure out the name I'll tell you. ^^ If it was them...
*clears throat* I am so very sorry!!! That would be me, and like 3 other fawns we didn't relize everyone else in the fo-in county could hear us!! LOL!! I'm so ashamed...=(
I'm so happy you feel that way. AHA! I can't stop laughing though I'm so so sorry!!! I'm SO embarrassed... I have pictures of us together if in fact that was us...Which I'm sure, we were...
there are a very annoying,
I haven't gone insane......I've gone awesome.
Ugh x.x Umm, question, what
Umm, question, what deer wears a real deer mask and a magpie pelt (and maybe the brown spiky antlers, forgot) that was in the old oak earlier? I loaded them o.o;
Un I don't know the name but
Once I figure out the name I'll tell you. ^^ If it was them...
*clears throat* I am so very
you are new, at least you
I haven't gone insane......I've gone awesome.
I'm so happy you feel that
XD I usually laugh insanely
I haven't gone insane......I've gone awesome.
Yeah... I think thats us.
Yeah... I think thats us. I'm on the far right, it's my other account Eelamme...
Sorry guys lol!!!
I was trying to get a
Rofl I bet some deer thought the "Penis Fawns" had returned!