October 20, 2008 - 8:40pm — fayne
My parents got...rly pissed at me last night and pulled the plug on the computer so I dunno if I'll be able to get on today. :B Or after that, I dunno. Usually it's not bad at all. But lol just letting you know that I might not be heeeeere.
-skips away-
Do y'all know what's wrong with my iTunes? Every time I try to open it, it tells me I need to install it, and when I try it doesn't work. :B I've tried reinstalling it and Quicktime but it's still doing it so help plz.
-skips away forsrs now-
D: Fayne! Goodluckwithmakingp
Hope you have internetz soooon!
...I have no iTunes experience. iUnhelpful. [/FAIL]
what is it with parents
but good luck with getting ur pc back xD!
~ Akio ~ Loque ~ Tamerlane ~ Avarice ~
O FAYNE BBY. ;( It's not the
And with the itunes thing..maybe you should unistall the whole itunes and then install the new one from scratch?
-computergeek- 8P
But wouldn't that delete all
Uhh.. I have no idea! :< If
It all sounds veryevyerry confusing