Hey SnowRift

Inuyasha1141's picture
Can ya get on now? Just woundering
Snowrift's picture

ugh im sorry....i had to put

ugh im sorry....i had to put my brother to sleep. Hey how about tomorow when i have more time? Sorry...


Inuyasha1141's picture

Ok I get home at 2:20 pm. In

Ok I get home at 2:20 pm. In MT. time and my homework is probably dona at 3:00pm so I guess Ill see ya then
I am night
Nobody can defeat my battle
U are weak
You cannot win
A black hole is my heart
So what do you think
Have you died yet?
A black forest is my home
I am Inuyasha

Pets name: Inuyasha
Adopt your own!

Clicky on him to see my other pets