Hey mister...[Marcaello/Rhys]
February 16, 2010 - 8:08am — Alecsander
Raise your hand if it's 1 am and you're too lazy to format?
-raises hand-
He heard it before he saw it.
Twice in one day.
This was a record for annoyance.
He only glanced back for a half second before his nostrils were assaulted by the putrid scent of violets. Rhys stood up shaking his head violently to clear the spots and remove the offending blossoms. He eyed the surrounding trees with some contempt before he laid back down.
His rest was interrupted again as he tried to close those eyes for a second time.
He raised his head scanning the treeline and growled softly under his breath.
Damn children.
They would be the death of him.
He sneezed violently a few times and took for the air. He defied the bounds of gravity and rested effortlessly in the treetops. It was silent and even the birds would hush their songs when he was near. You'd never know such a large deer could be so light on his feet, but for all of his extra pounds he soared.
Rhys let out a relaxed sigh and laid down his head until he smelled it again.
Closer this time.
He raised his head and peered over his shoulder.
A skull and crossbones hovered inches from his face and the large garish imp mask rested lightly on his back.
"PSST...hey mister...FLOWERS!!"
Rhys groaned and laid back down his head.
It never ended.
He did his best to ignore the tiny dancing hooves on his back and glared down at any passing deer, just daring at them to comment.
Little bastard was persistent.
For Marcaello
Now stop raping my deer with tussie-mussie. 
He likes flowers, just not on his head.
Seriously kid, watch your back or Rhys'll fat on you.
ff, fat on you.
XDD "Fat on you". I'm just
*raises hand and looks in
"PSST...hey mister....FLOWERS"
I laughed.
If Rhys didn't want to be
You can't airsit to escape the flower power of loooove!~