Here is my Art Trade with SoliloquyChryseis, of her character Tea. Tea was very fun to draw, and maybe I will sketch her traditionally. This was to help practice my digital artwork. Wish I could figure out how to do the vector lines. Hope you like it!
OH MY GOSH! You are so fast!
Holy crap she looks adorable TwT You did such a great job on her feathers!!!
I am currently inking Ayaki, and hopefully within the next 2 hours, will have her up. (I have to cook soon). But thank you so much she is adorable!!!
^.^ Im glad you like her.
Aww ok that's so sweet of
Going to go add you to dA, mine is tori-inazuma
EDIT: MY HALF! I hope you like it, despite my screw up :<
you didn't screw anything up.
Thank you, I am very glad ^^