Help! Question people!!!

Is there any way to get rid of your account?

You know, the accont on this website, WITHOUT uninstalling the game?
It would help if someone answered
Custard's picture

Sorry, but no theer isn't.

Sorry, but no theer isn't.

Is there a reason why you want to get rid off it? If you want a new one, feel free to create a new one, aslong as you don't go crazy and create tons of accounts.

Hope I helped. ;D
x~Yori's Bio~x
.:Yori's Mood Song:.

:S I don't actually know!

:S I don't actually know! You could always just, not log on and let it rot...not really sure, sorry.

~Aztec priest of The Forest~

Thanks Custard

Thanks Custard Laughing out loud