Hell hath no fury upon a community working together... finally.

MySpace Playlist at MixPod.com

Warning: May sound artsy to anyone who dosen't care! (;

Greetings everyone!

I woke up from a very long nap, about three hours ago... as last night's thoughts about this community, and all of you raced through my head and took me into a portal to where time didn't exist... After thinking, and praying and tossing and turning-- I found the light shining through my window. It was seven o' clock, and I had choir practice. I must've caught what they call a "wind" a burst of energy, when you're running on solely nerves, to keep you concious... needless to say I've been tired all day. And I find it facinating how just a computer, sitting on a desk. A peice of plastic, composed of wires and electronics, with a screen-- could have such an un-dying portal of love... where time and distance is no longer an obsticle as it once was, only a half a century ago. Where people of other religions, faiths, beliefs, color, race, personalities, and people totally different from ourselves, can meet. You sit at a chair. Hit a button that turns this, peice of ingenious pastic on. It lights up a screen, and there you have it....

During the service, which was magical-- I found my mind wandering to lush forests of green.
To crying idols.
And Twin Gods.
I found myself, here. Praying. In this place.

This may sound, "preachy", and "corny", but I did... I prayed for everything, and everyone. Because dang it, someone needed to do something....
I prayed for Light the Sky and her wonderful project, that would keep the light shining onto all of us. The little ferns in this grove, who were withering. Fast.

So, when I checked upon my little grove. My little peice of heaven, within a portal of plastic, and electronics, to where nothing, and everything is real-- the grove was lit up. People no longer seperated themselves. We're working together now. I think we finally understand... time, and boundaries of anykind can't hold us back here, as they do out there ...
Let us work as one community, as what community means.
Lets live and grow this forest into a jungle.
Let's help our creators, and damn it.
Lets have fun doing it too!!

We may not be out of the woods yet.
But we're finally pulling through, and embracing strength in one another.

I love you guys. So much. Never stop believing it.
Density's picture

Beautiful words and it is so

Beautiful words and it is so true :]

Aegle's picture

Aww thanks

Aww thanks Celtic!
Kaoori's picture

I feel so sad that this

I feel so sad that this place seems to be so sad lately too.. I want to work to make it happy, even if it's with happy posts and such.
I also love that song.. <3

I'm a little wolf inside a girl.

Lightbringer-apprentice to Yorres
bubblywums's picture



Just now I was thinking about how well this project is going, this place seems to be bustling with life again.

Drache: Thanks so much! And

Drache: Thanks so much! And it is true.

Aegle: Of course!! Smiling

Kaoori: I know. It was such a drag for a such a long time. Trial by fire huh, scared off some of us! I guess we can see now, who are the true, devoted players... <3

Jen: Thanks to you, I discovered it! I was checking out Jay's old bio, when you left, and it made me cry, and now whenever I hear it I think of you and Jay!!

Aegle's picture

But Celtic this just made me

But Celtic this just made me smile so much. Its amazing to know their are people like you in this world. I agree with every word you said. It has seemed sad except I love it here.
I love you too. Smiling And I think I'll make a little prayer for you all also.
Fenqua's picture

Damn, you are the true

Damn, you are the true priestress of this community! Your words brought a smile to my face <3

To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul

To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul
Her's picture

sjklf I can't hear the song,

sjklf I can't hear the song, school blocks it; is it Andrew Johnston? I was flipping out when I heard he was releasing a CD and I still don't have the money to go buy it. |C So I loved all over Jay'd bio since it had the full Pie Jesu orsomething song AsdKSJFLA. <3 iluguys

Aegle: Ooohhh! How sweet!

Aegle: Ooohhh! How sweet! That made my day. Yes, there are indeed people "like me" out there, I guess we're just hiding (?) It's not stopping you from becoming one too.
I just can't help it.
I love it too much.
It just comes naturally.

It was kind of ironic, like a few hours later, the site went down. And I was like "Well... atleast we TRIED to be a community..." XD
I love you too Aegle. SO MUCH!

Avani: I'm HONORED to be refurred to as a priestess Avani. Thanks so much and I love you too! Smiling

Her: It's Hayley Westenra Smiling

Emiva's picture

Very loverlyyy stressyy

Very loverlyyy stressyy <333 I read this TWICEEE X333 <333 -heaps lufferz upon-

:3 <3

And OMG is there a youtube video with this EXACT recording?? Its beautiful, and you know I like this kind of music stressy <333333333333333

Hugs and kisses,
Emiva <3

Oh wow! Thanks for reading

Oh wow! Thanks for reading itt wice! I read it through a few times myself lol!!
Yeah, there is! Smiling That's usually where Myflashfetish gets it's music from! Smiling Pretty cool you noticed that! You'll love all my songs then, because-- apparently we have very similar tastes in music!!! Smiling

Emiva's picture



Hugs and kisses,
Emiva <3


Emiva's picture

Thank you dearest!! <33

Thank you dearest!! <33

Hugs and kisses,
Emiva <3