To Halogen~ if you ever get on.

Anzel's picture
I've been trying to get your attention for months <<;

Tell me, should Anzel just give up, has your deer forgotten about her and how has a mate? *pokes pepokeen's deer who is constantly by yours*

Oy vey x.x Gimme a clue here, lol.
bubblywums's picture

o: Well Pep, Halogen and I

o: Well Pep, Halogen and I are having a little threesome. But I don't think Halogen even realizes the whole situation with Anzel.

Or maybe I'm wrong. Hal doesn't go on the community site very often.

Pegasicorn's picture

Uhh, Pepokeen's deer is a

Uhh, Pepokeen's deer is a stag (Selig). ^^; And Halogen hardly ever visits the community site. She spends more time on iScribble.

The Dragonfly Deer's Biography
The Wannabe Ninja

If I see Halo on iScribble I

If I see Halo on iScribble I will give her the link to this blog Smiling
halogen's picture

Jen and Pega pretty much

Jen and Pega pretty much said it. |D I just don't come on here very much anymore.. if I do it's usually to look at the pictures or to see who's who in the forest. Anyway, I'm sorry. It's not that Halogen's forgotten about Anzel, it's more that I don't have the time to write those journals like I used to. And it takes me forever to comment. *fails at commenting on dA too* Feel free to make Anzel hate Halo because he deserves it. He's nothing but a rotten zombie anyway.