~ Gyru ~
September 25 ?, 2009\\ In response to what user Verycrazygirl is doing, I shall be taking a step against violence in hopes of stopping it in its tracks, or at the least slowing it down to a near halt! I will no longer take damage from other deer unless my permission is given. If I see a fight going on, I will promptly step in and start dancing in it. Following fighting deer and making sure nothing else happens. I care not if you feel annoyed and post a picture requesting me to stop, as I request back simply that you stop the violence! I may even become as drastic as to spell spam fighting deer until they cease their actions. You can call this godmoding if you want, but I don't care, I shall remind you TEF wasn't originally created for Role Play. I care not if this is seemingly god mode, but I feel the time has come to take a stand with others; and I highly recommend others do this as well. Post the same message in your blogs and bios! Gyru will less often take place in small spars, not taking damage however. And until this seems fit to lift; Gyru shall remain at full 100% health. C:
[center]September 23, 2009\\ Went on vacation. x.x; Back, school kicked up; also considering changing Gyru's set. :3 If anyone would be interested in helping me with this; please do speak up!
~ Proper Banner Image of Identification Here ~
"I truly enjoyed our dance, I need to find out who you are though!"
Recent Activities\\ ~
Health Statuses\\ Perfectly Healthy!
Recent Mood\\ Overjoyed, Happy!
Recent Fights\\ ~
First Name\\ Gyru
Title\\ None
Last Name\\ Faith
Nick Names\\ "G", "RuRu"
Lives\\ One
Dam\\ Name Not Known
Sire\\ Name Not Known
Brothers\\ None
Sisters\\ None
This Is Me
Gender\\ Male, Stag
Species\\ "TEF" Deer
Age\\ Adolescent
Personality\\ Evolving - - Curious
- Some call it nosy, simply curios however about everything. Tending to follow strangers to investigate what they are up to.
- Blithe
- As a simple fawn - to his age now, he has so far forever been happy and cheery. Trying to get the best from others and make them happy as well.
- Intelligent
- He knows wrong from right |most| of the time. Always considering others, and most times that is it seems like he is being plan out rude or mean. Though his intentions are kind.
- Stubborn
- With recent age he has also becoming a stubborn pain. When he feels the need to let something be known he expresses his mind as best he can with kind gestures and ways of showing it. Though he won't let it go.
- Forgiving
- Generally forgiving towards many deer. Only few exceptions might come along, though as said overall Gyru is very forgiving.
Loyalties Lay
Sexual Preference\\ Bisexual
Mate\\ None
Fawns\\ None
Weakness And Strength
Weakness\\ Stubborn and kindness bring him down. Stubborn to get out of the way when needed and kind to a foe. Other small things such as his smaller size compared to large bucks out there make him 'weak' some might say.
Strength\\ Family and friendship backs up his strong will to live and soul for eternal happiness. Family he has not seen in a long time - and he has very few friends. But the will to be happy, and the idea of freedom to express it; keeps Gyru going.
None, Willing to add anyone to this list. : )
Abiogensis\\ Pure excitement! He will drop everything he is doing at once and dance along to experience this rare event!
Magic\\ Becoming annoyed easily by it, but at times will engage others in spell battles.
Dancing\\ Most times he will join in the fun, though he prefers starting them himself.
Fog/Mist\\ Isolation, general timidness. Trying to seek a place to rest until it goes away.
Dawn\\ Waking up glad that he has survived and that it is another beautiful day in life. Resting and gathering energy for the day to come.
Midday\\ Boredom, napping.
Twilight\\ Dance around the shadows created by the setting sun.
Nighttime\\ Sleeping, taking midnight walks, a small snack. Relaxed yet cautious.
Light Rainfall\\ Enjoyment, chomping down on the small water droplets. Dance in it.
Heavy Rainfall\\ Get out of the way! Shelter, fear of flooding.
Light Snowfall\\ Slight panic, not sure of what the substance is yet. Most times seeking shelter.
Heavy Snowfall\\ Pure panic, thinking something is attacking him for something he has done wrong. Leaving friends and what he is doing to go hide somewhere.
I love your fawn. I want
Hatchin' dragons yeah!
Awesome! =) I'll keep a eye
I'll keep a eye out for you next time I'm in the forest. |3
... This is probably gonna
Meet Virgil
Meet The Crew
.. I don't think so? I think
Edit: Wait, I think I do know you, unless I am thinking of someone else. Then sorry. D8 But, did you happen to be joined to a forum before about war or something? If not that I don't know where I would know you from, sorreh. :<
'Fraid not. I guess I was
I guess I was fooled by your layout style. <8D
Profile Page
That's ok! I did see Virgil
I did see Virgil in the forest the other day though!
He was all over the place it seemed. XD