Can also be known as Gyneth
Gender: female
Age: fawn
Eye color: Dull blue
Set: fawn
Friends: Perplex, Mio, Clown, DanniiDeer, Taliene, Rutilus, Jared, Lorak, Apollo, Shane, YeyiCalli
Family: none :<
Mate: ummm....not yet :3
Gweneth is a warm, gentle doe with a giving personality. She will sit down and listen to your problems, and happily give advice or sympthy. She is willing to please and loves meeting new deer.
Even though Gweneth is full of love, she is not the brightest bulb in the box. She failed deer school, and cannot multiply, divide, or tell time (not like any of them can, but allwell C:) She also cannot spell and stumbles over words tragically. She also can never make up her mind, and relies on others greatly for simple decisions. She knows that she isn't very smart, but her love makes up for it.
She is only a fawn at the moment, and she hasn't yet decided on a pelt. But she naturally is a little more chubby/curvy than the deer, and isn't the tallest either.
Fanart: D:
Other: She will make cookies whenever you come over <3
Her future Set :3 if someone already has this, please tell me :3
OR She might have the brown-and-yellow striped set....hmmm
:3 Awesome -- Dannii <3
-- Dannii <3
LOL thanks c:
She sounds so sweet. <3 I
LOL YAY GWEN Updates //
Venture RP
all my deer will be her
LULYAY. How many do you
How many do you have? Perp and Mio right? XD
EDIT: oh and clown too x3
Dudeee 8D DanniiDeer,
DanniiDeer, Taliene, Rutilus, Jared and Apollo will be her friends 83 Lorak will be, too.
And Nina's antisocial.
-- Dannii <3
lolnina xP
:]]] ------
D'awwww, that drawing of her
LOL I try X3 thanks :>
D'awwws I hope to meet her
--Stays a lonely Seele
Shane can be her friend too.
Niltze Gweneth, the
Thanks Seele ;3 YeyCalli:
YeyCalli: Niltze to you as well! What language is that from? Gweneth would be honored to be her fawn-friend as well :3