it's been a while.
does anyone remember me? D;
I had somehow been off and on sometimes, and I don't know if that will continue, if I should go forever or if I could have a come-back. I really don't know.
I watched some guys vanishing somehow like me during my sort-of-abscence, and I watched some people returning (which makes me happy to see, yay!). But.
Sorry for this useless(?) post.
10.000 sorry's for those who still wait for a requested adoptable deer at my
TEF Adoptable website. I'll start doing them soon, I promise!
I remember you, of course!
Of course, I still remember
Flyraaaaaaaaaaaa welcome back
well I think you shouldn't say "I'll go forever" because then there will be no back.
Tu was du für richtig hälst. =)
I rememeber you.
D< You think we'd forget?
How can I forget you !!
♥ ♥
I've missed you, Flyra. C:
FLYRA!! 8D Of course I
Of course I remember you! It's good to see you again! <3
I don't find it fathomable
I left the side 3 weeks and a bit ago, but eventually I came off. The leave was healthy for me; perhaps that's what you need?
Who knows- ultimately it is your decision, but you should do whatever is right for you (:
And I am currently working on the picture of Flyra you requested long ago.
Oh my! I haven't expected so
Up to answer each of you, you've deserved it <3
Apeldille - Hello there! Everything fine?
Pinky - YAY. Good to hear! 8D
Schutzgeist - Aww, thank you! ;A; No, I could never go forever. (<- does this make sense? xD) Das werde ich tun! ;]
Tally - Aww I'm glad!
Hello to you too. C:
Narina - Päärynä.
Vala - Thank you deary! <333
Fled - Aww, I missed you too, hun. <3
ArrowDoe - And it's good to be back and see you, too! -hug-
Crimmy - Thank you so much for the kind words. :'D You're more kind and caring than I could ever be. <3
And, I sort of did the same. It wasn't a leave, but I became a whole lot quieter.
Actually, it's been exactly a month since I posted my "sorry" blog. I think the break helped my real life too. I'm so much happier now. But maybe then it's the perfect time for me to dare a try to return to here?
I've heard you're a fan of the new Sherlock Holmes movie! Tell me, is it good for even those who rarely know anything about the original Sherlock Holmes books and such? 8]
Starry - IT'S RAIMUNDO. 8D Why hello there! Glad you do <33
....! *glomps on your
... Wait, who the heck are you?
Phohooh, good to see you back, wondered already where you vanished~ <;D
Welcome back, Flyra! (:
Double post...bleh Hehe,
Hehe, well, I remember you who you are!
Quampie! -glomps face
-glomps face back-
I'm that shadow from your nightmares.
Thank you, I'm very glad to hear that. C: My "sorry" blog should have explained a bit, but I'm not sure how many people noticed it. 8O
Anyhow, here I am! 8]
Zeekii - Ohai! I remember you too! <33 Hello there! Thank you <3
....who're you? Just
Just kidding, luff~ <3
Of course I remember you! And we'll always welcome you back here whenever you care to stop by. C:
Do what you need to do~ but of course I'm glad you've returned for awhile. <3 *bakes cookies and offers some?*
It's your neighbour, watching
Heeelloo shimmers! 8D Thank you deary. ;A; You're too kind. Andandand yush, I'm pretty sure I'll be staying here for a while now. I still love this place too much. And I love you guys too much.
COOKIES. -grabs & omnoms- -tacklehugs you-
FFF Yes :'D The movie was
GOOD. I wanna see it! 8D The
The trailer was pwn.
I saw this blog ages ago and
Of course you haven't been forgotten (;
Density - As far as my social
Dag - omg HI! Thanks for letting me know, it means a lot. <3
well i cant remember you
I still owe you a trade
Hi I have nearly faded,
I have nearly faded, yes...
Tilis: Hey there! Thank you~
Cato: Don't worry! I am not getting to drawing these days because my school life takes overrrghh, so I'm and I will be late for our trade too. D| So sorry, but glad you still remember! ~<3 That's all I have to know. C:
Hubalaboo: Hello! (: Glad to see you here. I'm sorta vanishing too. It's just so hard to keep all things internetsy, real life-ish and schooly together the last time. D|
(No subject)
Flyra! Teehee!