Guilt's Bio

Guilt's picture

Saw summa these posted, and they seemed like fun. ;3

Now with candles~

(Will Update Upon Staghood)

Name: Guilt

Meaning: Dictionary meaning. a feeling of responsibility or remorse for some offense, crime, wrong, etc., whether real or imagined.

Brother: Shame

Gender: Male


Like, a screamy-face. c: Or, a bent box with another box at the top~

Personality: Guilt is quite the lonesome-type. He acts tough, but really, he's a child. Whiney, tempermental and a big scaredy-cat. Around the stags, he tends to be hesitant to approach. He's always quick to help "bare" stags, and is often guilty of the gift-and-run. One thing he always tries to do is gift fawns with flowers. Though he himself doesn't care for them, he feels others would like them.

+ The Ruins
+ "Waterwalking"
+ Poking at the sleeping
+ Sleeping on graves
+ Rain
+ The Crying Idol

- The Birch Forest
- Devoutpelt Spammers
- Fawn Spell-Limits
- Skidding when stopping
- Flowers on himself
Her's picture

[goes to get flowers for

[goes to get flowers for you] Ah ha haaa. C:<
Guilt's picture


Blackhoof's picture

I saw mainly heard, you in

I saw mainly heard, you in the forest.
Saw you once then lost track of where you went.
I was a fawn...didn't feal like being a stag today.
Guilt's picture

Oh, yes. I think I recognize

Oh, yes. I think I recognize your picto. c: Sorry. xD; Just chase me down an' call at me, you'll get my attention.
Her's picture

P.S. Your dA =

P.S. Your dA = WIN.

Guilt's picture

LOL Thanks. ;D YES. 'Cos,

LOL Thanks. ;D
YES. 'Cos, that's the pwnerest of all dragon elements.
Burro's picture

Thanks for helping me get my

Thanks for helping me get my antlers back! :3 For some reason when I logged in they were gone, and replacing my spell data didn't work. o.o;;
((Random note: I've always thought of your pictogram as a flag. o.o One of them decorative ones that hang down from ceilings and somesuch.))
Guilt's picture

No problem. c: I was

No problem. c: I was startin' to get worried when they weren't showing up. D8 Sorry it took so long.
I have no idea how all that spell data mumbo-jumbo works. :c

LOL Well, whatever you interpret to remember. ;D
Kumiko's picture

I totally ran into you

I totally ran into you earlier tonight.

Now this explains why you were acting the way you were acting. Sticking out tongue
Guilt's picture

...I don't remember what I

...I don't remember what I was doing. LOL sorrysorry.
Fenqua's picture

That's an interesting bio, I

That's an interesting bio, I like that drawing <3 You've got talent!

To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul

To pray is to believe, to believe is to purify one's soul

I dislike the exact same

I dislike the exact same things you do but without the flowers
Guilt's picture

Fen- Thank you. c: Witcher-

Fen- Thank you. c:

Witcher- lol Wonderful. ;3 Guilt just likes his candles.
But, really now, he can't share flowers now that he has them. :c