Goodbye Demon - pictures

Lyeekha's picture
I decided to post these now, as I'm unsure as to when, if at all, you'll check back.

Because of the short notice, these are crud. But I didn't want to do nothing. I used a Scribbler program.

EDIT: Forgot to put up the last two.

The Demon Gazelle

the ghost of the past...


one last look...

...and then only to watch...

as you find a place even more beautiful than the last...
...where I can't follow.

Rest In in peace.

Anzel's picture

So sad... Beautiful, though.

So sad...

Beautiful, though. Wish I had that program, heh...
Blackhoof's picture

: ( Reminds meh of a

: (

Reminds meh of a song....

I listen to music to much...

Feed Me!

..;____;... ....<3 -- Dannii



-- Dannii <3