that is very true. In the How To Train Your Dragon books it says in the epilouge 'I think all great kings should bare the slavemark, to symbolize that they should be slaves to teir people, not the other way around.'
The sky is not the limit when there are footprints on the moon.
~Gruffen thanks so much MidnightRose! He's so cute! RP with me please!
I've lost count on how many times I've read them. XD I am curious. Who is the black one?
The sky is not the limit when there are footprints on the moon.
~Gruffen thanks so much MidnightRose! He's so cute! RP with me please!
I -love- you artwork so much.
You've got me very curious about the black one >.<
Curious indeed O8 And I
And I certainly agree with the quote, haha |D
Thank you both very much
yes, I love those two quotes eue
that is very true. In the How
I loved those books, been
Thank you~
I've lost count on how many
He's called, Teivel (: