Currently:Online In Forest?:Yeah I am currently;Sitting alone , come and find me Current Mood:Upset/Drifting off Current Taught:"Its this fog."
Overall Health;69%
Physical Health;86%
Mental Health;74%
Name:Hagen -meaning little, young-
How My Name Is Pronounced:Hagin , or Gin if your saying Gen[/]
Rude-most of the time- But not when Kita is around...
Unsure at times
Curious-most of the time-
Bad mannered -always-
Ignoring-most of the time-
Kind-at rare times-
-cant see well -dosent like being alone, but is found all by himself most of the time.... -is alergic to flowers -enjoys others presence if he can watch from afar -loves nuzzles but never gives out any
"Hello Hagen, I hope that I may see you in the forest soon. You may not be the kindest of deer, or so you say, but I think that you just need a friend. If you want to play with me, just send me a message in my biography"
Hey, I tried to find you but my forest viewer is being retarted and only showing half of the pictos, the others are all clumped up together still.... Sorry
"Hagen, I don't know if you still can hear me...but I am so happy to see you again. I missed you very much..." -nuzzles- "I hope maybe one day you will hear me again.."
if you do come on and see this and you want to talk or anything, you can add my email, just message that you are from TEF:
I don't mean to sound rude. Really, I'm not trying to be<3, but your character's name, "Gin" is really similar to that of my friend's name, Jin.
Your character is also very similar to Saosin, which is the one Jin plays.
Maybe it's just a coincidence.
Lovely character, anyway. (;
? I dont see how this is rude.
And I dontsee why your making such a big deal about the name that I chose.
Oh, I wasnt expecting this! (: Thank you so much, Kita.
(this reminds me I havent drawn anything in a long time so i shoudl start doing so)
Ist' ok If I use Kita in my doodle expirements? aka fast colored drawings?) &hearts.
It's perfectly alright if you want to draw her <3 I just wanted to draw this since he got back and she is so shocked and happy to see him -glares at pictos to make them spread-
Hagen too!! <3 Oh btw I actually kicked myself to go install yahoo and it says Add request pending, so as long as i didn't type it wrong it should be waiting for you to accept ^^
Edit: Ill install Windows Live msessnger instead since i cant get in my email but i did add you on there and it says in online on yahoo but icant get on so my only option is re download messenger.
"Hello Hagen, I hope that I
My Biography: Come say hello! ^^
"I am sorry about my unusual
My Biography: Come say hello! ^^
"Hagen, where did you
By the way if you didnt get my message already I love the picture!!!
My Biography: Come say hello! ^^
"No need to be mad, it is
My Biography: Come say hello! ^^
"Your connection will not
My Biography: Come say hello! ^^
Yay for connection working!!
Ok I feel weird that I am the only one posting comments here tehehe
My Biography: Come say hello! ^^
Hey Hagen, I hope to see you
My Biography:
That was Kita ^^; sorry if
I have to get off though for a bit so hopefully you are on later when I can get back on
Hey, I tried to find you but
Hagen, I do not know if you
"Hagen, I don't know if you
if you do come on and see this and you want to talk or anything, you can add my email, just message that you are from TEF:
Hagen -nuzzle hugs- I have
/has begun to comment every time I see you so that I might keep track of when you have been on...
I don't mean to sound rude.
Your character is also very similar to Saosin, which is the one Jin plays.
Maybe it's just a coincidence.
Lovely character, anyway. (;
It does sound
MrsMorbid: http://www.babynam
? I dont see how this is rude.
And I dontsee why your making such a big deal about the name that I chose.
I apologize. I should have
It wasn't at you. :]
Then I apologize as well for
(: Excuse me for being rude
Excuse me for being rude thennn.
You're excused~
I wasn't talking to you. My
My apology was to TheQuietOne.
I was just making an observation, anyway.
Its fine,really.
Only thing that matters. ;]
Ah, Mrs.Morbid, can I Email,
There's something I'd like to discuss off of TEF. (:
-trots in pleased, gives this
Oh, I wasnt expecting this!
(this reminds me I havent drawn anything in a long time so i shoudl start doing so)
Ist' ok If I use Kita in my doodle expirements? aka fast colored drawings?) &hearts.
It's perfectly alright if you
thanks, im going in forest
Hagen too!!
alright, i havent gone on
xD that would have been
Edit: Ill install Windows
alright, do you want to try
ill add you as i already have
ya i think so, it's the same