The Gift of Peppermint

My latest character, Asali, has acquired some candy canes and she would like to give them out. This is sort of an interaction blog for her, but also to spread the love haha

She forced me to! D;

A fawn could be seen making her way through the forest that was now her home. The fawn seemed giant in size, already fluffy and nearly full grown. Though the mentality was quite different, already matured. Yet the fawn seemed to be wearing...Human things? A simple straw basket was held in her mouth, and a sweet smell floated from it. Asali was here to give out candy canes to the inhabitants of the forest because she has seen too many deer alone on this special month. The cure to make everything better was candy canes in her mind. Though she might be a little hesitant to where she acquired these sweets.
Tuo's picture

Awwwww, what a sweet idea!

Awwwww, what a sweet idea! ;u; Makes my old, cold heart to melt!

Haha thank you! I just

Haha thank you! I just realized I need to edit it with the actual roleplay..If that makes any sense. She's such a sweetheart.

e:There we go! ^^
LambFleece's picture

Super cute idea! I don't have

Super cute idea! I don't have a character to roleplay with, but I still adore the idea! Laughing out loud

Avvie by Hadoukin

Face it Asali, no one wants

Face it Asali, no one wants your peppermint. :I

Def not a selfish bump

Nika stretched and stood up

Nika stretched and stood up after her nap. But, she caught a whiff of something familiar in the air. Peppermint? She looked around and saw a fawn carrying a basket in her mouth. "So, that is where that wonderful smell is coming from," she thought, smiling.

Would it be okay if I jump in

Would it be okay if I jump in this? ^^

Nika: It was quite a while

It was quite a while before Asali noticed someone near her, and when she noticed the doe she bounded over. The fawn dropped the basket at her feet and looked up at her acquaintance. "You have antlers!" She giggled, "Can I interest you in some candy canes ma'm? I've decided to spread the holiday cheer!"

Jennie: Yes please! ^^

Danieru. The thin buck


The thin buck walked throught the peaceful, nearly always warm Forest. The trees were allowing a lot of sunlight to get to the grounds, which seemed to be a little tinted to orange already. That was he, the sunset seemed to follow him everywhere; or vice versa. His unbelievably pale irises, letting light go throught almost cleanly and thereby making him very sensitive and vulnerable to it, had to get a help in the task they failed at so he could normally exist. The Halloween mask the buck wore as long as it wasn't dark had the purpose of decreasing the amount of the light he receieved throught the mask eyes filled with dark glass. He stopped a while only to analyze his surroundings. He planned to keep on walking to the unknown object of his right after, but something there caught his attention. Fawns were everywhere, but that one was special. What did it held in it's mouth? The sight at the fawn seemed to trigger mild flashbacks in the buck from the Human word, where his existence began and from where he got reborn to the Forest as quickly and unharmely as he kept most of his past life traits. And even throught the mask he wore he could still sense the scent. Yes, he remembered it. He faced the fawn at distance, making a decision of coming for the fawn. Find out.

Nika chuckled, "Why, yes, I

Nika chuckled, "Why, yes, I do! And that is very kind of you." Though, in all honesty, Nika didn't know what a "candy cane" was. It had been invented over four centuries after her time. She looked into the basket and saw the colorful red and white cane-shaped candies. "I have never seen such confections. Though, they do look wonderful," she said with a smile.



I am currently on a long trip

I am currently on a long trip with limited access of the computer. I will reply as soon as I can.