Some pics from a few days ago with Ranza and Rustar:
Ranza first meeting him :3
We're daaaancing in the raaain, just daaaancing in the rain~ What a glooorious feeling, IIIII'm happy again...~
They tired from dancing and hopping and everything xDD
More pics! Click "read more" :3
Identify yourselves! :3
{above two} Apparanza dancing with Raimundo, Oseaan, and another deer :3
Ranza, Rai, Oseaan, and other deer took up a dance!
Ranza and Drache played Ring Around the Vira x3
Drache turned it into tag! Ranza is iiiiit xDD
Sooooper Drache summoned his sooooper flying powers and took flight!!!
Vira turned Ranza into a bat and she flew overhead x3 She's never been a bat before! Vampire Ranza >3
Vira fell asleep! D: And now Ranza, Drache, and another deer must perform a waking dance to rouse the drowsing doe xDD
Snow, jumping, dancing
Oseaan (me) is the deer with the whistling mask and orca antlers. You guys made my day <3
Vampire deer aaaaaahhhhhh
lul, i lieks your pictures :B
go super drache!
Creat's Bio
Density - Bwahahahaaa yus x3
Firefli - Ah! I'll go edit her in :3 I knew she looked familiar, I believe she was with Oceaans and Dag on the day she was with Rustar :3
Vira - Kekeke >3
Gracias mucho. Or Muchos gracias? o.o
Wootwoot yeah!!
By Leuvr ♥