
( Sluggs is back to the forest! )
Emiva's picture

I'm so sorry, -lives in a

I'm so sorry, -lives in a hole- But sluggs left?
Please, someone fill me in ^___^;;;;

Hugs and kisses,
Emiva <3

No Sluggs is back!! I have

No Sluggs is back!! I have hem see in the forest!!


Nala's picture

Emiva, I talked to Sluggsy

Emiva, I talked to Sluggsy on iScribble a while ago and he said he will be leaving tef, most likely forever and that he may come to visit now and then. (:

Nala, the kind and oh so playful little butterfly doe.
Emiva's picture

...Sluggs was the one who

...Sluggs was the one who cheered me up when "..." died....

Hugs and kisses,
Emiva <3