i'm very confused what's going on... i got an email that a topic i was watching had gotten a reply, and when i went to see it there WAS no forum! did something happen that i'm unaware about? i sort of feel guilty but i dont think i did anything...
[edit] i made a new forum -
From the forums: "We have
I figure that kind of says it all. I was very scared when I logged on, too. I've been picking up snippets of things I've missed in other threads, I want desperately to know what's going on...
yeah i saw that... the way
I also disliked the mates,
exactly, like after the news
yea i kno how u feel, poor
we will lose this site as well, so let it go i now, its upsetting but A&M are trying to help.
~trish~ & ~Ammy~
I feel like I'm to blame I
I was causing so much drama...
And on the thread where I wrote I
was leaving the forums people
thought I was ridiculous and than
after that they closed the forums.
I'm so sorry guys if it’s my fault
because I never wanted it to happen this
way. I was just going to leave for a small
period of time so I could let the death of
Run sink in and not be overwhelmed anymore
and just take a break...
I'm so sorry
oh i don't think it's your
Yeah I do think Run and
did have something to do with it but I'm happy
on your website and this one.
I still feel like its my fault though
PS: Love the website Kogy
^__^ are you springsong?
Oh, that's me. ^^ I'm new.
oh! welcome spring! i must
really im the small deer and