The never ending memorys
The never ending memory
Is the one of the forest
Of the friends that you make
Or of the ones you had
The never ending memory
Is the one that is endless
The endless forest
Were friendship comes to stey
-- enjoy
my deer(s)
ShadowX talk
Xhunter my deer talk
Nim talk
"Hay ShadowX look what I found in the hallow tree!" ShadowX looked up at Nim as he ran over. The young grey fawn was carrying a book made of bark and leaves in his mouth. Nim looked unsteddy as he carried the book across the ground. "What is it?" he asked as he got closer. "That is a book Nim," ShadowX said as he layed his head down, his long mask made it hard to sleep. "Wake up, wake up, wake up!," Nim said as he dropped the book in front of Xhunter. Her zombie antlers came up as her nose flared, giving a look to Nim she looked at the book. "That is a photo albom of the forest, Nim," she said as she watched Nim try and head-but ShadowX's sleeping body. "Wake up and read it with us!," He said as he reared and threw his cafs, making shore his hooves did not get ShadowX in his side. ShadowX blinked a eye and turned it to watch Nim, "It is early morning, Nim, go to sleep i will need my sleep to teach you later." "Wake up, please this once and read with us," Nim said as he threw his last head-but and cafs at him.
Xhunter watched as ShadowX gave in to the pleas and threw his head back onto his back to have his eyes level with Nim's eyes. "Ok this once I will wake up but you are going to have to wait a moment so I can go get some water," His eyes trailed off Nim as he started to rise. Nim slide off ShadowX's side as he rose off the ground. Nim hit the ground with a thud as he sat there as he watched as his teacher walked down the trail of the pond but then it hit him a moment later, "But, Shadow, you don't have to drink or eat!" He said as he ran off after ShadowX. Xhunter just pulled the book close and layed her head on the ground beside it.
"Shadow," Nim said as he climbed on his side and stood up. "Wake up, come read the book with us," Again he cafed his side and hit his head to ShadowX's side. ShadowX looked up again, he'd just lied down to sleep near the old willow when Nim found him again and started his pleaing. "Ok, lets go read this so I can sleep some of this day.
Xhunter thumbed the photo album open and just lie there. She watched as her brother and Nim came back. "Ok lets start reading this thing"
{ the book pages}
ShadowX jumping in the snow over a log. he tripped on the small one because of ice that day.
I did not see that coming, i didn't see anyone looking but i geuss i was spotted. *imbarrissed*
teach you right from jumping over those logs *snikers*
Shadow you did not tell me you liked to jump over logs!
this is ShadowX in the pecock set standing around. he loves the rain.
i remember that set, feels like a year ago yes i love the rain.
the rain is good, you look odd in that set
cool i like that set, when i grow up i will try that set over my silver one
this is him in his favorte spot. he likes to jump out at others or small bugges.
That was not me. . . um not me at all i have better things to do than scare bugs.
LOL, you play with bugs, shut up that is you! thats you face and mark. look at that mask really. "i am Deerzalla hear me roar" LOL
Did not know that either i need to watch you more
This is Xhunter, my deer, she is ShadowX's sister. she says hi.
you bowing? thats a first
Shut up ShadowX, . . thats not me... *looks around*
you were nice
thank for hanging out with me a long time ago.!
that was fun i geuss . . . no face booking this Xhunter
humm. ok you as a mini, this is going on face book...
what is face book? this is Adonis i think
star pelt ShadowX?
yes its me i was drinking,... the dragonfly would not leave me allone
shore they did.
cool pelt i will get that when i grow up
butter fly pelt on ShadowX
i was trying to impress the butterflys ok
that butter fly liked you!
whole Sacred set
that was fun when i had that set
cool i geuss.
Shadow and a fawn
yawn. . . what?
aww you have the same pelts *Snikers*
cool border.
ShadowX in a Peacock pelt sleeping
what can't i sleep? i was having a good dream
awake up! ShadowX
it was rainy that day.
"Now go to sleep Nim. . ." ShadowX looked down at Nim. Nim was sleeping on Shadow's side. "Finly some sleep I hope," hes said as he lie his head down, just then as his head touched the ground Nim shot up and jumped off his side and ran over to the large hallow tree. Xhunter just watched as ShadowX shook his head. She too layed her skull mask down and sleeped. That hiper little fawn.
I still remember playing
ya it was fun thanks for
inspirer writing and poems //// if you like dragon eggs you can look at mine. at
i love your writing.
[Track ^^]
Fel in corde, fraus in factis.